Sunday, January 22, 2012

Time to say Good Bye!

My blog is officially coming to an end.  As I start off on yet another journey of my life I leave behind this blog.  This blog was meant as a tool for me to share our life's adventures, trials, joys, struggles, blessings and frustrations in our new journey together as a family of 4.   This blog has been a HUGE blessing to me as a source of journaling, prayer letter, photo album, and a keepsake of all we had done and gone through in 2011.  I apologize for ending it more so in October.  Life got crazy with Sydney's birthday, freak snowstorm and power outage for 5 days, Xavier getting sick, myself getting sick, Thanksgiving, Savannah's birthday, Christmas, and lets not forget the many trips to PA! I am so thankful for the many people around the world that followed and prayed for me and my children through this past year and those who still continue to as well. For those of you who have written comments to encourage and lift me and my family up in times of great need~it meant and still means the world to me!!! 
At this point in my life I am going to keep it a little more private, this is why I have chosen to stop blogging.  I know there has been and still continues to be (due to Facebook) lots of negative talk that goes on about me and things in my life.  There comes to a point where enough is enough with the negative and it out weighs the positive that comes of my blog. I know I have said this before, but I had put myself out there~feelings~life story~emotions, and sometimes maybe it was too much and maybe should have expected some of the negativity.  But I am moving forward to a new time period in my life and like I said, I would like it to stay a little more private. 
If you have a desire to keep updated with me and the children there is always Facebook~even there I am being selective as to which people see what and have deleted quite a bit of people lately.  There's also good old fashion email :)  I will gladly keep you updated with pictures and details if you would like to continue following our journey. If it is, you can email me as the same address as this blog:
Once again, I thank everyone who shared in our journey with us.  Everyone who was there for us through prayer, encouragement, help, support, and showed us unconditional love.  I can't believe that it's almost been a year since everything took place, but also I can't believe how far the kids and I have come through all of this!  We have gotten so much stronger and closer because of all of this and I WOULD NOT CHANGE ANYTHING!!!  I love my life and I love MY kids with ALL MY HEART!!  My one request I ask of those who read~NEVER take your children for granted!  You don't know how truly precious they are until they are almost taken from you!

<3 Thank you and Good Bye! <3