Monday, June 6, 2011

Time to vent.....

~First of all, I am going to begin by saying that if you have a problem or disagree with what I write on my blog please stop reading! This is my way of dealing with everything that I am going through in my life right now.  Everything I write on here I write in truth and with the intentions that my children would be able to read someday and therefore never write anything I wouldn't want them to know. If writing is my way of dealing with everything then I think I am doing a very good job!  I can't believe I have to say this but walk a mile in my shoes and deal with everything I have been dealt with in the past 6 months and then tell me how to write my blog.  I am trusting and relying on God to get me through this but I am able to share with everyone my trials and struggles and how God is carrying me through them and how he is working in my life and my feeling and reactions through it all.

It's been a great week yet such a horrible week all at the same time!  I am making so many new wonderful memories with my children and enjoying them so much everyday!  Every smile, every laugh, every hug and kiss, every "I love you", every hand I hold, every special moments, every new discovery, every new milestone I get to experience with them I no longer take for granted.  My greatest desire is that they grow up knowing God and seeking that personal relationship with him, and therefore want them to grow up knowing what is honoring to God and what is not.  Savannah is now learning how to pray and is sitting still with hands folded long enough for us to pray as a family every night.  Sydney is getting more comfortable with praying and learning that there's not a certain way to pray, that it's just a conversation between her and God.  She prays for her Daddy every night that God helps him make good choices and that he come to visit her.  Unfortunately I just received word today that more poor decisions were made on his part that will impact my children for the rest of their lives.  This is the part where a great week with my wonderful children is impacted.  Constant bad or disappointing news turns my mood and the kids are impacted. Dealing with this news I was just dealt and then the hearing for child support did not go as we had all prayed it would.  He unfortunately did not show~somehow that is acceptable for Domestic Relations but in the real world others would say differently.  A settlement was made, but an unacceptable one therefore we will head back in the beginning of August.  I don't think I should fight for my three children to be financially taken care of by the one person out of the two of their parents that is capable of working.  Due to Xavier's health issues I am unable to work, not to mention the plan of me being a stay at home mom with them is still my desire and the courts will take that into account as the plan for our children and their mother before things "hit the fan" for a lack of better words (seeing it is 1 a.m.). 

I have several prayer requests for those who still are praying for my children and I:
*Custody papers get signed so we can begin our new life in MA.
*A place to live in MA
*Furniture gets sold
*Will gets a job to pay acceptable child support for my 3 children
*My children deal with transition to MA easily
*Xavier's health issues~doctor appointment tomorrow.  I took a video for them to view his breathing while he is sleeping so they can determine what the cause of it is.
*The process for getting the kids health insurance in MA is easy and quick.
*My eyes are continually focused on God and not my situations for I know God has control.
*My anger to be taken away~although can I claim it as righteous anger?
*Finances, bills be paid somehow

*We still have a home to live in and aren't on the streets
*We have plenty of food to eat
*We are all currently healthy~except for the obvious health issues with Xavier
*Xavier has a nurse 6 days a week whom we really like!
*Play dates and friends!
*Air conditioning!!!!!!!
*God is carrying me through because I couldn't do this without him.


  1. I am so sorry people judge YOUR blog.You are so right; if you don't like what you read, then STOP reading! This makes no sense to me; it seems like another thing for you to "deal" with!

    We continually keep you in our prayers. Wish there was something more tangible we could do for you.

  2. you're allowed to be angry! God knows your heart more than anyone and understands your emotions. they are justified. i will continue to pray for you guys!

  3. Christ our Savior was angry to the point of violence yet did not sin. I'm not saying you should be violent... I'm saying "AMEN!" and praying that your anger can be turned toward the sin, not the sinner. Ah, now there's the challenge!!

    Good post Mar - in prayer for you.

    My goal is that you & the kids may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that you each may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that you may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:1-3)

  4. Marissa, you and your family have continually been in my prayers. Thank you for sharing the specific requests you have. I am so sorry that people have been critical of the way you deal with the trials in your life. I will continue to pray about that as well. I'm on the lookout for the right place for you, your kids, and your dad. Looking forward to having you back in MA.

