Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Foods

Today Xavier turned 7 months old!  What a joy and a blessing he has been!  He is just one giant smile all day! :)  I am amazed by his progress he has made just in the past 2 months!  Typically I would have started him on table food at 6 months old, but because of slight delays with health issues I held him off the progressing food process I have for my kids for 1 months.  Typically I would do cereal at 3 months, veggies at 4 months, fruits at 5 months and table food at 6 months.  It has been funny to watch him "eat" the baby biscuits.  And when I mean eat, I mean eat.  He is not the typical baby who sucks on a biscuit and it gets all nasty and one giant mess, no no, not at all!  Xavier will take the biscuit put it in his mouth and take a bit and start to chew and then swallow like that's what he's been doing for years.  Therefore, today when I gave him food I didn't cut it up.  I handed him a 3rd of a banana and let him take bites.  He loved it!  After he finished the banana, I gave him some pizza~what we were having for lunch. He just loves food~his bottles are a different story :( 
His 7 month old stats are as follows:  weight 16 lbs 15 oz, 27 3/4" long, diaper size 2, clothes 3-6 months, and he is able to sit up from 30 seconds to 1 minute, he rolls everywhere, no teeth, needs a hair cut :), size 2 shoe, 3 naps a day, sleeps 8-12 hours a night, has 3 bottles a day with 7 oz in each, eats cereal and 1 stage 2 jar of fruit for breakfast, and 2 stage 2 jars of veggies at dinner, smiles all day long!

First bite

"What mom, I got this, no problem!" :)

The happiest little boy~even when eating! :)  <3

Had to add~so we never forget~the nicknames:  ZayZay, ZayZer, little Darth Vader, buddy, and of course Xman. 

Love you with all our <3 Xavier Liam!

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