Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's a WONDERFUL life! :)

I found this quote and I thought it was perfect (not completely Biblically sound, but you get the point):
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
— Marilyn Monroe
I want to start this blog post by saying how WONDERFUL my life is!  Surprised I said that?  No I don't have the picture perfect family (but now a days who does?), I don't have the house with the white picket fence (but I'm only 29), and I don't have a huge bank account (also, in this economy, the average family doesn't either).  Yes, it would be nice to have those things, and make my life easier. I am not putting those people down who do have those things, but right now, God decided that I should not have those things because he is using this as a tool to teach me~dependence on the Lord for EVERYTHING!  God has provided the funds for us to have a place to live, food, clothes, my children's health, and so much more.  Through the difficult times God has been my rock, the one I have learned to depend, trust, and rely on for our every need. I can honestly say that I have a wonderful life with my children!  I love my life and wouldn't change anything that happened to me and my family in the past 7 months.  God did and continues to do some molding and shaping of my life. My happiness isn't dependant on money, job status, material possessions, marital status, or how many friends I have.  My happiness is in the Lord, and I am who I am today because of what He has done in me.  My happiness is the gift of looking into my children's beautiful faces everyday knowing God gave me them to raise! 
For some reason people feel as though they have the God given right to criticize me and slander me just because of my circumstances.  First of all I would like to point out that in both of my circumstances earlier this year, I did not choose either one of them.  According to some individuals who enjoy discussing my life and all of my situations (who may I point out claim to be Christians yet refuse to stop gossiping about me as I have asked them to do) they have determined that "I am a very screwed up person" because of the past events in my life.  I would like to clarify....yes, my marriage ended up being screwed up (by no fault of my own~completely his selfish/sinful choice), but my children and the life I have with them now, not the normal, but in no way screwed up!  Those of you who know the true, and real me know that I long for that "normal life" which is in God's timing.
It continues to blow my mind how people can sit back and judge and throw comments out there at me~but of course not at my face~but gossip about me to someone else.  I would never wish what I went through on even on those who throw these comments out at me. But if YOU had to go through your spouse walking away from you and your children as well as sit by your child who was fighting for their life while your other children have to be taken care of friends/family for 44 days~handling BOTH at the SAME time~would you be able to have handled everything any better???  Not saying I managed everything perfectly, nor did/said everything in the manner I should have, but after only 7 months passing, I think mentally, emotionally, and spiritually I came through these trials pretty darn good!  It's easy to sit back and make comments when your life is going "perfectly" (or so you think). But I dare people out there to ask God to stretch them, to grow them in their walk, and see what God does in your life.  Until you experience great trials, pardon my language, but SHUT UP! You are ultimately the one(s) who will get hurt in the end.  When you claim to be a Christian yet talk down upon someone non stop, do you realize how that makes YOU look not only to other believers but to non-believers?!? Some testimony (or testifony) you are!
I do apologize for all the negative blogs lately....just my way of dealing with the negative comments.  Basically write it and forget it~it's over and done with now~I can move on. Happier blogs to come....wonderful things are happening with our family of 4....the journey continues! :)

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