Thursday, June 16, 2011

4 months~cereal

Xavier is already 4 months old as of June 10th.  Although with everything he has been through it feels like he should be 8 months old already!  But I am not rushing him growing up!  I love my little baby boy!!  He is such a wonderful blessing and joy that has been added to our family!  The girls absolutely love him and he constantly smiles and talks and giggles to them.  Savannah gets a huge smile on her face when she sees him and runs to him waving and says "Hi Zazer"~I just love the bond they have!  Sydney of course is the "little Mommy" as she calls herself and is a huge help.  She loves being "in charge" of little things with Xavier.

Xavier is growing longer and chunkier. At his 4 month visit he was 11 lbs. 14 oz and 25 inches long!  He has grown 4 lbs. and 4 inches since birth! Quite the accomplishment considering all he has been through!  He has struggled with more in his 4 months than others do in their lifetime! His smile just melts my heart and makes everything all worth it! 

He still eats every 4 hours and 5 oz at a time~doesn't always finish the 5 oz, but most of it. Xavier does wake up most nights still, but goes right back to sleep.  He goes down for the night same time as the girls~between 7:30-8 and wakes between 2am and 4am. Most nights are a good 6-8 hour stretch of sleep followed by a bottle and then 4 more hours. I am not going to train him to sleep through the night yet like I would with a typical child, because he still needs to eat as much as possible.  He has started on cereal!  At first he did not care for it, but now has really taken to it.  His pediatrician told me as long as he does well on his cereal I can start him on fruits and veggies.  I am going to hold off on that until he is 5 months old.

I just love my little man so much!!!! So thankful that I get to watch him grow up to be an amazing young man!  Looking forward to him saying "MAMA" for the first time!!!  I just think I might cry when he does!

I love this smile on him...just wish the picture wasn't blury :(

another smile...he must know he is getting something better than a bottle~maybe pizza :)

first reaction...wasn't a fan of it at first

not sure what to do with it now....

thinking "it's not that bad"

already opening up his mouth for it

getting use to the taste

Sydney got to help...Xavier was helping guide her a little

now he's just laughing at her~ haha :)

I gave Xavier the spoon to see what he will do, and he knew exactly where to put it.  He tried, opened his mouth and worked with his fine motor skills to get it in his mouth.

He did it!

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