Friday, June 17, 2011


Thursday night my niece Josette slept over!  The girls got the living room all set up for their slumber party.  They set out the blankets, pillows, snacks, toys, and movies all picked out.  They jumped into their jammies and ready for a good time.  I was hoping this good time would end around 11 with Sydney...and Josette around 12.  Both did fall asleep, Sydney by 10:45 and Josette by 11:15~for some reason both were awake again at 12:30!!!!! Around 2 a.m. they came up to my room~where I was still awake and asked if they could play polly pockets, and of course I told them they were nuts : P  and that they needed to lay down and try to go back to sleep, they could watch tv, but had to lay down.  I feel asleep somewhere around 4 and hoped they would crash, but apparently they didn't til somewhere around 6!  I came downstairs and they were both passed out!  Sydney pulled her first almost all nighter!  She made up for it the next night and slept for 15 hours!  They had a good time though and weren't grouchy the next day at all, so I was happy, tired, but happy :)
Finally passed out!

Josette out cold too....Savannah was so confused~her and Xavier were the only ones that got sleep!

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