Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ephesians 4: 29- 5:2

Today this following verse was read in the beginning of church and it had an impact on me:
Ephesians 3: 29- 5-2
"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.  Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ also forgiven you.  Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma."
I find myself at the point in my life, in my situation with Will, where this verse hits home.  I think I have completed the grieving process and need to now focus on God, my family, and my wonderful future and no longer do I need to have feelings like the verse talks about of bitterness, wrath, anger, malice, etc.. I don't feel the need or desire to speak anything "unwholesome" about him to others, nor even think those things in my head.  I am saddened by the last 7 years of my life being a lie, but it happened, and now the time has come to move forward.  Nothing good will ever come of me putting him down by calling him names to others, to him, or even in my own head.  The situation is very sad, but no longer is it my sad situation by his sad situation.  I'm relying on God to get me and my children through, and he needs to turn to God to get him out! He is ultimately in God's hands now and I can wash my hands of him.  As I have stated before, we do pray for him daily, and that is usually the only mention of him in our house. 
The memories of him are slowly drifting away for both Sydney and I.  I think if she mentioned him and remembered things about him she would be saddened.  I am thankful she is not saddened daily and that she is handling what I consider "the loss" of her father incredibly well!  You can tell she has compassion for him and wants to see him change his ways.  She loved The Grinch movie this past Christmas, so she will tell me that "Daddy has the heart like the Grinch, it's really small and it needs to get bigger".  It amazes me the way she processes things and thinks about the situation.  Last Sunday was Father's Day and as the custody agreement states that Will has visitations on Sundays from 3-8.  He came at 3:30 and left them at 6. This was the first time the girls saw him in 12 weeks, and Xavier 12 1/2 weeks.  The girls had fun playing at the playground and eating at Wendy's, but when we came home Sydney said to me "Mommy, when are we getting a new Daddy?"  I'm not quite sure what had been going through her mind at the time?  I wonder if she sees him as a playmate and wants a Daddy who is there for her 24/7 because she enjoys having that male role model/male figure in her life, just my opinion as to why she would make that statement after spending 2.5 hours with him.  I can only tell her that "he will always be her Daddy because God gave her to both Mommy and Daddy when we were married, but we can pray that God puts another man in Mommy's life that I can marry and that will always live with us and be like a Daddy to you." Like I said, she is doing a great job handling and processing all of this information.  I try to be open and as honest and give her age appropriate answers without EVER bad mouthing him to her and trying to keep the Ephesians verse in my mind. It is a little difficult at times like today when he had those visitation rights from 3-8 and never showed.  My heart breaks for my kids, but yet in a way think that out of sight, out of mind might be better at this point.  We only have 3 more Sundays here in PA, and one of them we will be in eastern PA for.  All that is left are 2 visitations~praying for what God thinks is best for the children.  God is their Heavenly Father and he will never leave them nor forsake them!  What a great reminder to us all!

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