Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Big Picture!

I was attempting to add this picture to my previous post, but for some reason it wasn't working.  Here is my view...that's my little guy up there in that tiny bed hooked up to all those machines, and yes, everyone is working something on his little body.  It's amazing how many machines it takes to run a body that normally God has created so intricately and amazingly to run on its own.  This picture really puts life into perspective~makes me not want to complain about the small things in life.  Just be thankful for everyday I have with my children!  They are so precious to me and I know their lives are in God's hands.

Notice the artwork hanging above Xavier's head made especially from Sydney today at school for her little brother~how sweet is she!  There is a little Easter egg next to that on the monitor that has his name on it that the CICU put up for him~I am hoping that they don't think we are going to be here for Easter and that's why they are decorating!  I did ask the nurse how long she thinks we will be here in the CICU and she answered that it could be anywhere from a few days or up to two weeks, and that's not even counting the recovery time on the regular floor!  Please pray we are home in time to celebrate Easter together as a family!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! That's so beautiful that big sister made something for him!! Aubreys bed looked just like his. So many I.V. lines that her bed looked like a weeping willow.. Just remember Momma 'The oak sleeps in the acorn.' He's strong and he's going to grow up strong and do wonderful things.
