Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Xavier's Update:

Yesterday we waited all day for the surgeon come talk to us about his eco-cardiogram that he had gotten on April 11th and talk about when Xavier might be released. Finally at about 5:30 Dr. Weirden came in with his whole team and reported to us about the eco.  He said that everything looked great, except that he did see some blood still flowing from his PDA, which means that it STILL isn't closed all of the way!  You would think after 2 surgeries this guy could get it done correctly! I understand that it is a large hole, but SERIOUSLY?!?!  He did say that it will most likely close on it's own.  We have an appointment 2 weeks from today to see a cardiologist in my town to get another eco and just follow up on his surgery. 

I did speak to him about the chances of this being genetic.  All of Will's sisters (4 of them) and his mother all have issues with their hearts.  My reasoning for asking was because now that I look back at the signs of having a hole in the heart I am concerned for Savannah.  She is so tiny~about 20 lbs. and almost 16 months old, you can hear her breathing most of the time~like she is trying to get a deep breath all the time, and her lips are purple a lot.  The surgeon told us that there is not real data to support that it is genetic, but he did say that I should make an appointment for her as well to be seen.  I know holes in the heart can be undiagnosed for several years, and people can have them and not ever be effected.  I will forever be wondering about her if I don't get her checked. 

Overall, Xavier is doing remarkably better!!!  He is like a completely different little guy!  He has more energy, is eating better, not 100% but a serious improvement!  His color is wonderful, and smiling all the time! His incisions look like they are healing quickly, and his infection in his arm is going away.  I have a peace this time about being sent home, unlike last time.  He will keep making big strides in growing and gaining weight.  God has made this little guy so strong and has sustained him through all of this!  He's a fighter!!!


  1. I've wondered if it's genetic, too. After Ben and now Xavier, I plan to check with the doctor when we want to have a baby.

    So glad to hear he's going home today!

  2. So many prayers for this little man! So glad to hear some great, GREAT news!! Will be praying for Savannah

  3. Hi Marrissa - Karen wasn't diagnosed until she was over a year old. I'm glad that you noticed this in her and that you are getting her checked out.

  4. And Savannah inhales foods.... we all wonder where is goes! Also the way she sleeps! I wonder?

  5. So thrilled that you all are home!!! I pray God's continual healing and many, many blessing on you all! AND YES! Have Savannah checked out, if only for a piece of mind for you, momma!
