Saturday, April 30, 2011

Don't judge a book by it's cover

The same comments keep rolling in~"he looks great" and "maybe he has reflux".  I want to clarify these comments.  Yes, on the outside he does look great most of the time.  What people can't see in pictures are his episodes of difficulties breathing or the inside of him.  I feel as though when people are making these comments that they think I am making all of this up and that he is healthy.  They wouldn't label him failure to thrive if he was healthy, and he wouldn't be on lasixs if he was healthy.  The comment about the possibility of him having reflux has been ruled out!  I have known from the beginning that it was not reflux for several reasons.  Xavier had NEVER even had the slightest bit of spit up in his first month of life.  He always kept his food down.  It wasn't until we got into the hospital where they put him on medicine and began putting tubes down into his stomach that he started having problems with the vomiting.  He is never in pain at any point when eating or prior to vomiting.  They had put him on Zantac the second time we were in the hospital, even against my wishes, because they wanted to rule out the reflux, but he still vomited.  I know I am not a doctor or even a nurse but I do know my children and have some knowledge what signs to look for when they are ill as to what may or may not be causing something.  Like I have said in the past, my mothers intuition has NEVER been wrong in all of this.  If I was not reluctant and pushed for him to stay the second hospital stay when they said that "he looked fine" he would have possibly died at home.  I know my son and I know when something is not right with him or even "normal". 

I did not want to be back in the hospital this third time around, I thought we were all done for a little while, but I know at some point those holes in his heart will need to be closed.  He may not need them closed right now, but my feeling is that they will need to be.  The Lasixs is keeping the fluid out of his lungs, and his body has become dependant on the Lasixs because those 2 holes in his heart are pumping fluid into his lungs.  They are going to try to wean him off the Lasixs in the next few days to see how his body reacts.  There is a conference on Monday where they will discuss with all the heart surgeons, the cardiologists, and regular doctors~a team of about 20~to put some ideas out on the table as to his issues and how to solve them.  Unfortunately I am unable to attend this conference because they do discuss other patients at the same time as well.  I pray that Monday they come up with some solid tests that can confirm some of the problems as to the poor growth and why he is Lasixs dependant, because right now those are the two main issues. 

As far as looking into getting a second (actually it will be a 4th) opinion from a cardiologist in Boston, I am in the process of doing that.  I need to obtain his records and send the disk of his echocardiogram via FedEx to them and fax over his records.  The doctor there will then review them and give me his opinion.  Basically what I am looking for from him is his opinion whether he thinks those holes will close on their own.  Right now the tally is 2 for no, they won't close on their own, and 1 for they will close on their own.  His surgeon who failed to do the first 2 surgeries correctly is the one who is stating that "he is confident that they will close on their own".  With him saying otherwise will be him admitting that he had made another mistake in the second surgery, which I guarantee he is not willing to admit, because admitting it the first time was most likely very difficult.  I understand that Xavier had the LARGEST hole in his PDA that anyone has ever seen or heard of, but that doesn't mean that the surgeons shouldn't be trained to deal with those situations.  He should have been prepared, while Xavier's chest was open in the operating room as well as even the next day before they closed him up, to make sure that his PDA was properly ligated and there wasn't blood flowing through there still.  There is just no excuse for it to still remain open.  Even if the holes in his heart were the sole cause of him not being able come off the Lasixs the doctors state that his VSD is more the cause than the PDA.  One reason they are reluctant to go back in right away to do more surgery is because the VSD is going to be a very difficult surgery!  The VSD is in such a difficult spot in the heart to get to, that is why they weren't able to go after it in the second surgery.  But, if it has to be done, it has to be done. 

No, Xavier is not struggling for his life right now, but like I said previously he is Lasixs dependant to stay alive, and is growing very slowly. He does not reach his daily calorie intake nor does he even reach his daily required fluid intake. 

Please pray for wisdom for all involved and that they will make the best decisions as to what to do based on what HE needs to get well, and not thinking of how they can keep another lawsuit away from the hospital.

Hopefully this clarifies things a little more for everyone.  If you have any further questions please feel free to ask!  :)
I just love this little boy with all my <3!  His smile is amazing!

He is so stinkin' cute!  My little man!


  1. Marissa, I wish there was more I could do for you, but prayer is all I have to give...and you've got lots of that coming your way. Will pray for the meeting on Monday as well.


  2. Marissa -

    You know I'm not a doctor, but having gone through hospital stays and mystery diagnoses with Connor, I've learned a little. Is there any possibility that Xavier has allergies? Whether allergic to some sort of medication, or even some component of his medication? There could be certain proteins or vitamins in either his formula or his medications that he can not tolerate. This was part of Connor's difficulties early on. It also reminds me of a friend I have that is both deficient in vitamin B12 as well as allergic to vitamin B12. She has to have the perfect level of supplements to keep her healthy, yet nonreactive to it allergically. Doctors cannot always think outside of the box. Sometimes, even if you switch from a brand name medication or formula to a generic (or vice versa) can make a positive difference. Wishing you and Xavier the best in pinpointing what is working against him. -Susie xoxo

  3. I am so sorry you are going through this. When people, like myself are saying that "he looks good" we aren't doubting you or that fact you see him everyday. It is that with everything going on I can't believe he is still smiling and that is a testament to you as a Mother and God giving you some sunshine during this time. I have been there when you have to question the doctors and sometimes even family. You are with your child everyday and it is your job to be there for them, and you are! Never doubt that you are the strongest voice. Going for a second or third or the millionth opinion is the best you thing you can do. I am so sorry you are going through this, it seems like you are on an endless roller-coaster with all of the highs and lows. For the time enjoy the happy smiles, because truly it is God's grace shining through.

  4. You are one strong Mama! Mom's are rarely wrong about their children. They have this heightened sense that needs to be there for times like this. Telling your story will reach someone who is quiet and doesn't stick up for themselves when confronted with situations like this because "they're doctors; they must know what they're doing", even though deep down they know something is wrong. You have this great voice; it needs to be heard. Keep up the fight!

  5. Your son is beautiful, Marissa. And thank God you have such a strong Mother's Intuition! While this period of life is difficult and not anything you have ever wanted to experience, God has blessed you with the ability to know what is right for your son. That intuition has kept him alive, and what a strong fighter you have!
    We will continue praying for you and your family.
